The 3rd Virtual Design World Cup
Virtual Design World Cup "3rd The
Student VR& BIM Competition on Cloud"
-Competition for designing an advanced
construction engineering-works on Cloud, making full use of BIM/CIM and VR ! -
Theme 2013
Sustainable Station Front in Global Metropolis
is an international design competition for students to compete amongst
each other in designing an innovative architecture, bridge and city
design using BIM/CIM &VR technologies. Every year students
compete for the top prize which is given to an outstanding work
outlining a predefined theme in the aspect of design, innovative idea,
and creativity. They plan and design their work based on the theme and
then run a simulation. Their final model will be presented to the
judges in a form of a script for evaluation. To assist students
with the production of their work, we plan to carry out workshops and
seminars. We will also support the students who will make use of
software from now on. Also you can communicate and collect a lot of
information without having to visit the local area by participating
various workshop reviews through the Web and VR forum ( 3D cloud BBS ).
The script of VR data created by FORUM8's software and a "Concept
poster" (A1 size (lateral) in PDF format) are required for the final
submission and the judgment is performed on the basis of "VR Cloud
judgment". We would like you to use FORUM8's BIM software and VR
technologies by all means and consider this competition as an
opportunity to create your masterpiece. We encourage students from
different departments majoring in different field of studies to make a
team to work on their model together to demonstrate that BIM/CIM can be
used in various discipline.

< Overview >
Virtual Design World Cup Executive Committee
Judging Committee
Prof. Yasushi Ikeda (Graduate School of Keio University / Chief of executive committee of
VDWC / Representative of IKDS) Mr. Yoshihisa Hanamura(NPO Civil Machizukudi Station) Prof. Hiromichi
Yoshikawa(Tokyo City University) Associate Prof. Kostas Terzidis (Harvard University, USA) Mr. DAVID
TSENG (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan) Mr. Kazuhiro Kojima (Coelacanth And Associates) FORUM8
Co., Ltd.
Qualification for applicant
members who were involved in design should be students. Team can
comprise of either students or working students. Graduation research
and work by any member of a team who graduated before year 2013
graduation are also qualified.
Judging standard
use UC-win/Road is mandatory for the creation of the work. In addition,
contestants must use at least one more FORUM8 software/solution to
create their work of art, which must have the element of the BIM/CIM
and VR and the capability of being used in these disciplines. 2
deliverables are required: one is the VR data created by using the
software/solution licensed free of charge to the contestants, another
is A1 sized poster (oriented horizontally).
Project Submission Period / Schedule
Registration Period
May 1 (Wed) - November 30 (Mon), 2013 Wednesday, May 1, 2013-Monday, September 30,
Rental duration for free licenses
May 1 (Wed) - November 29 (Mon), 2013
Project Submission Period
October 1 (Tue) - October 10 (Thu), 2013
Judging Period
October 15(Tue)-October 24 (Thu), 2013
Announcement for nominated work
October 25 (Fri), 2013
Award Ceremony
November 21 (Thu), 2013 Venue : Megro Gajoen 2F "Maiogi" (MAP)
*Travelling and accommodation fee are provided for the selected teams for nominated works.
(Up to 2 members from the area other thanr Kanto area and 1 member from overseas in each team are scheduled to
be invited.)
Seminar schedule of available products
can rent the available software licenses and can participate in the
training seminars of the available products held by FORUM8 with prior
registration. The schedule of overseas seminars is as follows.
Guideline for applicants
Theme 2013 : Sustainable Station Front in Global Metropolis
The concept of installing a new train station as part of the
redevelopment project, whose plan is to reorganize the 20 hectare rail
yard situated between Shinagawa station and Tamachi station and to
relocate the Yamanote line from the west side of the yard to the east
side (adjacent to the Shinkansen line), has been announced on air and
put into consideration. No wonder the excitement for a new station
whose name has not been given yet. The 2013 VDWC challenges students to
devise a proposal of a new environmentally friendly urban space, which
will most likely become one of Tokyo's significant "stopping off
points" for people transferring from one transport mode to another,
radiating from a new train station in Tokyo's harbor district. The VR
data of the competition site includes the Shinagawa Intercity where
FORUM8’s head office will be relocated this July, and the Shinagawa
station front.
VR data for the Competition Site

Aerial photo : Copyright@KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD All Rights Reserved
competition site enclosed in red in below picture covers the area to be
redeveloped after relocating the Yamanote line and Keihin-Tohoku line,
the existing tracks and rail yard, and a tract of land north of the
Shibaura Water Reclamation Center. (Address: 2 Kounan, 1 Kounan,
Minatoku, Tokyo, Japan)
An old seafront, canal, JR freight line on the north side of the target
competition site
Takahamabashi crossing on the east side
View front the side of the first Keihin road to the competition site which is
towards the rainbow bridge in the distance.
data of "Shinagawa Intercity" which FORUM8 Tokyo head office will move
to in 2013 and the Konan Exit of Shinagawa station are prepared as the
site information.
The World Cup Prize Award is worth 300,000 yen!
Award 300,000 yen, world cup, award certificate
Award 100,000 yen, excellent prize cup, award certificate
Judge's special prize : 5 or more
Award 50,000 yen, judge's special prize, award certificate
Award certificate, a panel of their work, memorial, FORUM 8 original gift
Award certificate for all applicants whose works satisfy the rules.
*Travelling and accommodation fee are provided for the selected teams for nominated works.
(Up to 2 members from the area other thanr Kanto area and 1 member from overseas in each team are scheduled to
be invited.)
How to entry
Entry flow
Go to our exclusive website to register online during the registration period (May 1 (Wed)
- September 30 (Mon), 2013).
After your entry has been accepted, we will send you the following information:
Registration ID - Download link for VR site model and materials we provide for you to work on. - How
to apply for the software you want to rent and workshop you want to join
Please fill in the application form for "Software you wish to rent" and "Seminar you wish
to participate" as required, to apply.
submit your final entry via our online submission form coming to you
shortly, during the project submission period (October 1 (Tue) -
October 10 (Thu)). We will then send you the site (the 3DVR cloud
server) on which you can test your work, along with your ID and
Overview of Award Ceremonies
Ceremony Date : November 21 (Thu), 2013 Venue : Meguro Gajoen 2F Maiogi
award ceremony for the selected excellent works through the voting on
cloud and final judging conference will be held in the next 3ed Virtual
Design World Cup.
The 3rd Virtual Design World Cup The 3th Student BIM&VR Design Contest on Cloud
Public Final Judgment
The 1st Cloud Programming World Cup The 1st Student Programming World Cup Award
The 3rd Virtual Design World Cup The 3rd Student BIM&VR Design Contest on Cloud
Award Ceremony
The 6th International VR Symposium