Virtual Design World Cup(VDWC)第6屆學生BIM&VR設計競賽on Cloud(主辦:VDWC執行委員會)的報名總數為53隊、當中34隊(日本6、 海外28)通過預選,並且當中11作品(日本3、海外8)獲得提名。在2016年11月17日的品川Intercity Hall當中,通過最終審查選出1個世界盃獎、2個優秀獎及4個評審員特別獎。
世界盃獎 |
No. 40 |
作品名:Green Wave |
隊伍名:Dreams |
所屬:國立高雄大學 |
參加國:台灣 |
作品概要 |
“Green Wave”的中心思想來源於哺育了澳大利亞人的雅拉河,雅拉河的支流也是先住民的重要交流場所。本作品的目標是為了讓洛里默(Lorimer)區域變成城市的主要門戶,並且增加城市的功能性,災害抵抗力和可持續性。本作品利用BIM/CIM和VR呈現設計案。
The major concept of “Green Wave” is inspired by the Yarra river which was an important resource for the indigenous Australians and its tributaries were important meeting places between indigenous communities. Therefore, the Lorimer precinct will turn into a major access point to the city with a good coordination of various functions. Comprehensive and practical design solutions for the complex issues of usability, disaster prevention and sustainability will be simulated and presented with BIM/CIM and VR in this redevelopment plan. |

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優秀獎 |
No. 43 |
隊伍名:Suqreme |
所屬:芝浦工業大學 |
參加國:日本 |
作品概要 |
Melbourne's people have intimate relations with trees.But nowadays,urban development scale is becoming bigger and bigger. Or Buildings constructed become higher and higher.Therefore people are lossing interest in the city. So that we propose the city not only solve the traffic problem like the tram but also recreate the relationship between the human and the tree.The city we proposed will bring the people interest in the city and the people may contact the city like the trees. |

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優秀獎 |
No. 33 |
作品名:Modern City Farming |
隊伍名:Old McDonalds Vertical Farm |
所屬:西雪梨大學 |
參加國:澳大利亞 |
作品概要 |
成長中的墨爾本不斷擴大著碳排放量,尤其是飲食產品,本作品將飲食 產業還原至都市生活。並通過接近和規劃來實現這一目標。有機會促進農業技校學生、研發機關、企業家和實驗項目的合作。
As a growing Melbourne extends its carbon footprint, particularly around food production, our team returns food production back into city life. This is achieved through proximity and engagement. There are opportunities for collaboration with a modernised agricultural focused High School, research and development hub, entrepreneurs and tested businesses.
To increase opportunity for collaboration, sky bridges will link modern high tech and sustainable buildings, and common areas will house both indoor gardens, and technology that optimises sharing information and ideas.
Introducing a wide variety of transportation options; including the light rail line that connects with the existing network; and lightly restricting car permeability to Lorimer will encourage patronage to these alternative options |

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池田 靖史
(執行委員長、慶應義塾大學研究所 政策・媒體研究科 教授/
IKDS代表) |
No. 44 |
作品名:Melbourne Ripple |
隊伍名:Hen-hui studio |
所屬:國立高雄大學 |
參加國:台灣 |
作品概要 |
“Melbourne Ripple”這一作品旨在將墨爾本的中心商業區分割成一個個小區域,並賦予各個區域多元的,獨特的性格。本作品的設計理念由澳洲人們的母親河,源遠流長的雅拉河而來。因此,這一作品融合景觀生態和傳統文化要素設計,並在設計中利用BIM/CIM和VR來模擬和分析如何實現兼具功能性、可持續性、生態性、 防災性的都市再生 。
“Melbourne Ripple” is planned for the extension of the central city Melbourne to transform former industrial precincts into a series of modern, vibrant and distinctive areas. The design concept of this plan is inspired by the Yarra river which was a major food source and meeting place for indigenous Australians from prehistoric times. Therefore, the major transportation center will represent the landscape ecology and traditional culture of Australia. In addition, this plan will apply the functions of BIM/CIM and VR in the design processes to analysis and simulate the functionality, sustainability, ecology, and disaster prevention of the redevelopment plan. |

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花村 義久
(NPO法人城市規劃文明站理事長/ NPO法人城市連接平台副代表) |
No. 41 |
作品名:ReMelbourne Transfer Station |
隊伍名:Reborn |
所屬:國立高雄大學 |
參加國:台灣 |
作品概要 |
ReMelbourne is a redevelopment plan for Lorimer precinct. In this plan, a multifunctional transportation center will be designed by the image of shell spiral. The traffic networks include the highway, LRT, and bus transit are all considered among a background that prioritizes pedestrians and cyclists over vehicles for neighbourhood access. The functions of BIM/CIM and VR will be applied in the design processes to analysis and simulate the transportation and energy consumption in this plan. |

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Kostas Terzidis
(美國哈佛大學 副教授) |
No. 17 |
作品名:The Green Revolution of Lorimer. |
隊伍名:ICE-TCH |
所屬:交通運輸大學 |
參加國:越南 |
作品概要 |
對於【中部城市墨爾本的擴張】這個主題,ICE-TCH小組對 Fishmans Bend地區(特別是洛里默地區)遵循【洛里默綠化改革】這一思想進行設計改造。我們的目標是將洛里默改造成一個綠化帶,一個和 墨爾本城市有緊密聯繫的可變區域,一個生活便捷又充滿活力的場所。這一改革可以實現洛里默居民,墨爾本居民,甚至是旅遊來訪人員更加熱愛這座獨一無二的城市。會讓洛里默成為一座綠色親近的城市。我們的改革理念是3R:Renew,Refresh,Rlaxing。
For the theme “Extension of the central city Melbourne”, ICE - TECH team has an idea of designing and planning Fishermans Bend area (especially focus on Lorimer) following the topic “The Green Revolution of Lorimer.” Our goal is turning Lorimer into a green area, a flexible place with a strong connection to Melbourne City and the bay as well as a dynamic, mix of uses and activities place with high quality environment. This improvement can make not only Lorimer residents but Melburnians and visitors also love this city and consider it as one of the world’s most distinct place. It is a real revolution of Lorimer that changes Lorimer to “Friendly Green” city. To make that dream come true, we follow the “3R” idea standing for: RENEW, REFRESH, RELAXING. |

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(台灣國立交通大學 人文社會學部建築研究科 教授/建築事務所CitiCraft 代表) |
No. 42 |
作品名:Connecting People Connecting City |
隊伍名:LET’S JUMP |
所屬:國立高雄大學 |
參加國:台灣 |
作品概要 |
作為一個不斷成長的都市的中心,我們作品的主題為 【Connecting People Connecting City】,將城市的商業地區打造成一個充滿個性化的空間。這一設計將會連接菲利普灣,改變當地居民和勞動者的生活,引領經濟顯著增長,解決墨爾本人口不斷增長的問題。本作品利用BIM/CIM和VR來模擬和分析,如何實現可持續發展、綠色交通、智能防災方案等一系列 re-development解決方案。
As a key part of an expanded central city, “Connecting People Connecting City” will transform former industrial precincts into a series of modern, vibrant and distinctive areas. The transformation will forge a direct connection to the bay and accommodate tens of thousands of residents and workers, driving significant economic growth and accommodating Melbourne’s growing population. The functions of BIM/CIM and VR are applied in the design processes to analyze and simulate the sustainability, green transportation and disaster prevention and solutions in this re-development plan. |

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入圍獎 |
No. 6 |
作品名:The Lung Of Melbourne |
隊伍名:Amphibians |
所屬:逢甲大學 |
參加國:台灣 |
作品概要 |
首先,透過網絡收集相關公共交通機關和腳踏車交通系統的情報。然後,把我們的想法畫在紙上,並用這些來構築模型。 生成FBX文檔的模型,把此模型導入UC-win/Road生成交通流。
First, gather relevant information on public transportation systems and bicycle transportation system through the Internet, and then draw our ideas on paper, then use the sketch up to build out our model.
We will model transformation FBX file, and then import the UC-WIN / ROAD simulated traffic flow and flow. |

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入圍獎 |
No. 20 |
作品名:Urban redevelopment using water space |
隊伍名:W.D.M.:Watershed Design & Management |
所屬:立命館大學 |
參加國:日本 |
作品概要 |
人類文明多發源於河流流域,比如印度的恒河。我們的作品是對於雅拉河中心港灣墨爾本,Fisherman’s Bend地區的發展商業、住宅、旅遊等進行提案。這個區域已經存在很多英倫風格的建築物,參照Thames進行設計。但是,雅拉河水受到工廠排水的嚴重汙染,用VR即時的預測出水質的改善對這些景觀的影響。
Human culture often develops around river basins, e.g., the Ganges in India. We propose to develop the harbor region, Fisherman’s Bend, in Melbourne, where the Yarra River flows into the center, for use as business and residential amenities and for sightseeing. Buildings, similar in design to those seen in the United Kingdom, are present in this area. So our design makes reference to a view on the Thames. However, the water quality of the Yarra River is poor as it is affected by drainage from factories; the influence of an improvement in river water quality in the area is predicted by Virtual Reality. |

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入圍獎 |
No. 30 |
作品名:A Sustainable Central City |
隊伍名:M.C.A.A. |
所屬:雪梨科技大學 |
參加國:澳大利亞 |
作品概要 |
This proposal considers maximising use of space by incorporating shared economy principles and incorporates solutions based on urban planning. Traffic measures have been developed for the expected high density population and will grow with the population. Modular design will allow for efficient maintenance, ensuring that the precinct retains its welcoming green aesthetic. The overarching goal of this design is to create liveable, sustainable, high density spaces which grow and adapt with urban growth. The design is an aesthetically pleasing precinct with a-deeply-thought-about traffic flow system. Integration of the systems is throughout the precinct and encourages a healthier, more connected lifestyle. |

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入圍獎 |
No. 46 |
隊伍名:5-t-W |
所屬:法政大學 |
參加國:日本 |
作品概要 |
1 光暈的設計
2 隨時間軸變化的景觀
3 不同高差的分區
4 風和熱能的解析
Features of this work is,
1.Lighting design
2.Landscape change along the time series
3.Zoning with a sharp that gave a height difference
4.Due to the formation of the wind of the road, impact analysis of the wind and heat environment
and, inspired by was the indigenous people of Melbourne "Kulin people", was the nature that once existed attempted to reproduce the modern Melbourne. |

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