世界盃獎 |
No. 54 |
作品名:Yangon green labs |
隊伍名:Living labs 所屬:國立高雄大學 參加國:台灣 |
作品概要 |
Yangon situates in the tropical monsoon climate, and known as a garden city.The green finger system allows the "green" spread into the streets, and combines the concept of "sponge city" to improve the local flood problem.
For the aspect of transportation, we will engage the traffic diversion
system (partially undergrounded) to improve the urban overcrowding problem.We
use xpswmm simulation for improving flood situations and use UC-win/Road
analysis and simulation to study the traffic diversion process, we hope
to improve the quality of local life and to conduct Yangon become an ecological
and sustainable city. |

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優秀獎 |
No. 50 |
作品名:Golden Hub |
隊伍名:Three People Studio 所屬:國立高雄大學 參加國:台灣 |
作品概要 |
“Golden Hub”是仰光市的可持續發展規劃。為了改善交通問題,災害管理和電力不足,該計劃將住宅區,商業活動和可再生能源的利用與BRT系統和中轉站結合在一起,同時結合生態設計。最重要的是,我們把這個不同民族混合在一起的概念融入到仰光的文化中,表現出尊重和和諧。此外,該計劃已經使用了模擬分析軟體,並就可用性這一方面取得了極高的評分。
“Golden Hub” is a sustainable development plan for Yangon city. In order to improve the traffic problem, disaster management, and lack of electricity, this plan combines residential areas, commercial activities and the use of renewable energy sources with the BRT system and transit station while combining eco-design.
Most importantly, we incorporate the concept of mixing different ethnic groups in this plan, show respect and harmony for the culture of Yangon. In addition, the plan has been carried out using simulation analysis software and gets a perfect score on availability.

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Green Development Award
池田 靖史
執行委員長、慶應義塾大學研究所 政策媒體研究科 教授/IKDS代表 |
No. 56 |
作品名:The Connecting Center |
隊伍名:MPT 所屬:交通運輸大學 參加國:越南 |
作品概要 |
“The Connecting Center”是為仰光計劃的再開發計劃。我們的目標是將仰光變成具有高品質環境和連接率的可持續發展城市,成為亞洲最生氣勃勃的城市。為了實現此夢想,MPT團隊有一個設計和規劃仰光城市的想法,重點解決仰光3個主要問題:交通連接問題、防災問題和生活問題。BIM/CIM和VR的功能將應用於設計過程中,以模擬本計劃中的運輸,災害管理和社會基礎設施。
“The Connecting Center” is a redevelopment plan for Yangon.
Our goal is turning Yangon into a sustainable model city with high quality environment and connection rate, to be Asia’s Most Liveable City. To make that dream come true, MPT team has an idea of designing and planning Yangon city focusing on solving 3 main issues of Yangon: Traffic Connection Problem, Disaster Prevention Problem and Living Problem. The functions of BIM/CIM and VR will be applied in the design processes to simulate the transportation, disaster management and social infrastructure in this plan. |

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NewValue Award
花村 義久
No. 62 |
隊伍名:Wu-Gao-Song 所屬:國立高雄大學 參加國:台灣 |
作品概要 |
Water Link是仰光的一個新項目。其目的是改善及連接仰光市民與佛教。希望透過能源與生態的結合,為人們提供一個更加便利的地方。此外,使用軟體進行模擬和分析可以幫助確定該項目的可行性、安全性和可持續性。
Water Link is a new project in Yangon. Its primary purpose is to improve and connect Buddhism with people in Yangon. Hopefully, through the combination of energy and ecology, it will provide a sager and more convenient place for the people. Additionally, the use of software to simulate and analyze can help identify the feasibility, safety, and sustainability of this project. |

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Environmental Art Design Award
Kostas Terzidis
同濟大學 |
No. 47 |
作品名:Yangon Eco Street |
隊伍名:Archimap 所屬:大林大學校 參加國:韓國 |
作品概要 |
We planned the roads with Eco system for eco-friendly and sustainable city.
First, we separate the pedestrian street and the roads to prevent car accidents, unauthorized crossing, and improve citizens' awareness of traffic regulations. In addition, we installed Bus-only road at the center of the road, to relieve traffic congestion.
Near the lake, we plan the waterway and the park to use as a promenade in normal time, and a drainage or a lagoon when it rains.
To provide sufficient green energy, we install solar panels in public facilities. |

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Vision 21 Award
C David Tseng 台灣國立交通大學 人文社會學部建築研究課 教授/建築事務所CitiCraft 代表
No. 25 |
作品名:Yangon Two-faced Well |
隊伍名:influencer 所屬:芝浦工業大學 參加國:日本 |
作品概要 |
We propose station as a solution to major problems of Yangon, traffic problems, inadequacies of disaster countermeasures, power shortage. The station we propose here is not only a facility to serve as a base for carrying people, but also a building to which people, things are supplied. Also, in order to design them with multiple people, we will clarify the design procedure and establish a platform to be the basis. By creating a platform, we will make it as a point of design by the team. Furthermore, we will design with consideration on how it is used after construction. |

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入圍獎 |
No. 17 |
作品名:Walk Rain or Shine |
隊伍名:MISO 所屬:明治大學 參加國:日本 |
作品概要 |
2.將Sule Pagoda路升級為更加安全,更適合步行的路。
Yangon confronts several issues. We propose following methods to solve them.
1. Transform Yangon city into a “walkable” city.
2. Upgrade Sule Pagoda Road to be safer and easier to walk around.
3. Connect Yangon Central Railway Station to Yangon River.
4. Build on-street parking for access to destination and help pedestrians to walk safely.
5. Create more pleasant places by street greening and several small gardens.
6. Construct a new public transportation from east to west “light rail transit.”
7. Provide protection from sun and rain in order to walk comfortably by awnings.
8. Help mitigate flooding issues and storm water pollution by increasing permeable surfaces.

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入圍獎 |
No. 20 |
作品名:healthy city |
隊伍名:OHANASHI 所屬:明治大學 參加國:日本 |
作品概要 |
雖然經濟增長迅速,但由於基礎設施並沒有趕上,也需要採取相應措施。激活城市的自然循環功能,解決環境問題。建立城市綠化、人與人之間的關係、人與自然的交流。我們計劃在交通流量很大的Suleley Street上建造充滿綠化的行人高架橋,定義人們想行走的步行空間。 我們的目標是創造自然環境和可持續發展的城市。
Although the city is developing due to rapid economic growth, infrastructure is not catching up, and measures for those are necessary.Therefore, we will revitalize the natural water circulation function in the city and try solving environmental problems.
We propose incorporating green into the city.In addition, we create relationships between green and cities, connections between people and people, and communication between people and nature.
Planning the pedestrian deck with a sidewalk incorporating green for main streets with high traffic volume, y Street, and defining the walking space where people want to walk.
We aim to make a sustainable city growing with the natural environment. |

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入圍獎 |
No. 24 |
作品名:One Way City |
隊伍名:Lucha Libre 所屬:日本大學 參加國:日本 |
作品概要 |
目前,緬甸面臨著交通堵塞、交通事故、洪水等諸多問題,這些問題在今後可能會更加嚴重。將道路定為單向通行,有軌電車軌道及人行道可以解決從車站到 Shwedagon Pagoda的交通事故。針對洪水問題,採取了將Kandawgyi作為蓄水池的方案。期待著這些措施可以為緬甸的交通堵塞、交通事故、洪水等問題做出有效的改善。
At present, traffic jams,traffic accidents and floods are causing many problems in Burma. These problems will be more tough in the future. In order to reduced by changing the roads into one-way street. Trams and sidewalks are used to solve traffic accidents from stations to the Shwedagon Pagoda. The solution to the floods problem is to use the Kandawgyi Lake as a reservoir. It is hoped that these measures could help Burma improve traffic jams,traffic accidents,floods and other problems. |

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入圍獎 |
No. 44 |
作品名:Tri Floting Traffic |
隊伍名:Thao Thao 所屬:日本大學 參加國:日本 |
作品概要 |
Recent years in Yangon,there are many problems,for example serious traffic congestion by increase of cars,frequent flooding during rainy season and unstable supply of electric power.To resolve these problems,we make this town reservoir lake and raise high-level of civilisation to the surface of lake and large solar panel spot.Our town will give a lot of people new comfortable traffic and oasis. So, new station on the center of town, large shopping mall near the Pagoda, the town on the lake and a park gathered a lot of people are built. |

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入圍獎 |
No. 48 |
作品名:Growth-Renewable-Energy-Economic-Nature |
隊伍名:GREEN STARS 所屬:交通運輸大學 參加國:越南 |
作品概要 |
以理想的可持續發展亞洲城市為目標,遵從“GREEN”概念對此區域進行了設計。“GREEN”代表成長、可再生、能源、經濟、自然, 從“綠色”目標和比賽要求出發,STARS-UTC團隊研究以下項目的規劃訂單:運輸、基礎設施、植被。關於運輸,我們計劃組織電動和非機動公共交通網絡。電動BRT、智能隧道地鐵。關於基礎設施,重點關注以下要點:地下貿易中心綜合體、給排水系統。關於植被,我們的團隊提出建設和改造綠色公園。
Aiming for an ideal and sustainable Asian city our team GREEN_STARS carried out an idea for designing this area according to the concept “GREEN”. "GREEN" stands for "Growth"-"Renewable"-"Energy"-"Economic"-"Nature”. Starting from the goal “GREEN” and requirements of the contest. Team STARS-UTC study the planning of items in the following order: Transportation, Infrastructure, vegetation.
About Transport, we planning groups motorized and non-motorized public transport networks. The motorized use BRT, Smart - Tunnel Metro.
Regarding infrastructure, focuses on the following key points: underground trade center complex, water supply and drainage system.
About the vegetation, our team proposes building and renovating the green park. |

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