Virtual Design World Cup(VDWC) 第10届 学生BIM&VR云设计竞赛(主办:VDWC实行委员会)的参赛队伍总数是32对,其中31对通过预选,9队获得提名。2020年11月19日于品川InterCityHall和线上同步举行了最终公开审查,决定了世界杯奖、2个优秀奖和4个评审员特别奖。
▲颁奖仪式的样子(2020年11月19日 品川InterCity Hall和线上同步召开) |
世界杯奖 |
36 |
作品名称 : FutureForestCity |
队名 : FamilyLab 所属 : 金沢大学(日本) |
数据概要 |
Future Forest City is a smart, sustainable, and environmental-friendly
city in Kalimantan. The main concept of this city is ubiquitous wireless
charging that allowing Abee (a special drone we designed) and other flying
vehicles traveling through the city. Abee and holographic projection technology
can create an immersive augmented reality (AR) environment to facilitate
people’s daily life. In consideration of reducing exposure to scorching
sunlight and realizing rainwater collecting, we designed tree-shape complex
function buildings to address these problems. Furthermore, Future Forest
City using renewable energy such as solar energy, bioenergy, and wind energy.
优秀奖 |
10 |
作品名称 : Rainforest Vein |
队名 : Animal Crossing 所属 : 国立高雄大学(台湾) |
数据概要 |
The new capital represents a coexisting space of humans and nature. On one hand, we use technologies, AR, VR, IoT systems to improve the quality of life in the city. On the other hand, as a reserve, many parks and nature preserve as possible to minimize the harm of city development. In the city, we connect buildings through many footbridges for people to interact and communicate more. The new capital is divided into three different levels, downtown,15-min distance village, and forest village, which create various lifestyles of the city.
优秀奖 |
15 |
作品名称 : Futuristic Evergreen |
队名 : The Three Tarzans 所属 : 工科大学Moby校(缅甸) |
数据概要 |
In this Evergreen Forest City, we design urban landscape in modular grid
system. Each module has four blocks and can travel to other module in 5
mins and inhabitants can get daily life routine and supplies within it.
Not only this grid system is suitable for pandemic like COVID-19 but also
a sustainable, resilient and smart city. This is a Futuristic Forest City
that helps reduce environmental pollutions and allows ample amount of urban
green spaces for the happiness of the population. Simultaneous consideration
of traffic control incorporates in each aspect of the design. As the COVID-19
crisis has accelerated the need and opportunity for automation, utilizing
autonomous vehicles will improve the future city life. The core concept
is creating a livable city in forests causing the least environmental impact.
评审员特別奖 Future Capital Award
池田 靖史 先生
(执行委员长、庆应义塾大学大学院 政策・媒体研究科 教授/
IKDS代表) |
29 |
作品名称 : AKSATA "As the above is underground, we're ones
in between" |
队名 : One Pace 所属 : 班顿工科大学(印度尼西亚) |
数据概要 |
This project is planned on the new capital city of Indonesia, East Borneo as a smart, integrated, and shared mobility with healthy and green environment. Emphasizing mixed-use vertical buildings and using hubs for transit points that integrate various functions and minimized land used for buildings and increasing green open areas. One new innovation is to limit the number of vehicles in the city using a subscription system replacing private vehicles. Public transportation uses a shared shuttle .
Biodiversity Award
皆川 胜先生
(东京都市大学 副学长/工学部都市工学科 教授) |
8 |
作品名称 : The Light of Dawn |
队名 : Teletubbies 所属 : 国立高雄大学(台湾) |
“Light of Dawn”是一个整合了新首都的运输,通讯和流通系统的热带雨林城市特征的全新作品。该设计方案利用高速公路和建筑技术建设全新的水平生态圈,将大地归还给人类和自然,所以在新首都各处都能见到热带植物。在运输系统方面,智能AI车辆缩小了个人出行与公共交通之间的差异。不仅如此,为了提高整个城市的用水效率,我们引入了水循环系统。通过与太阳能和水力发电的组合运用,可以提供清洁且环保的能源。
The “ Light of Dawn” integrates the transportation, communication, and circulation systems of the new capital and introduce the characteristics of the rainforest to create a brand-new rainforest city. This project uses elevated roads and construction techniques to create a horizontal ecological circle, returning the ground to people and nature, so that rainforest plants can exist everywhere in the new capital.
The transportation system narrows the difference between personal mobility and public transportation by means of unit AI cars.
Introduce a water circulation system to improve the efficiency of water
use in the whole city, and combine it with energy to generate clean and
environmentally friendly energy through solar and hydropower.
评审员特別奖 Kinetic Orama Award
Kostas Terzidis 先生
(同济大学设计创意学院 教授) |
9 |
作品名称 : THE GAP |
队名 : GUARDIAN 所属 : 国立高雄大学(台湾) |
For thousands of years, the Gap in the rainforest has been the key to make
the new life thriving. As the Gap, the development of the new capital city
in east Kalimantan brings the light to the city with serious issues such
as heavy traffic, flood, kinds of pollution and so on. In our project,
to sustain the rainforest and provide a better live for the residences,
we try to create the “Gap” in the new city by combining the brand new traffic
system, connecting the rainforest environment and digital entertainment,
to reach the balance between the ecosystem and development.
评审员特別奖 ECOVISION Award
C David Tseng 先生
(台湾国立交通大学 教授) |
14 |
作品名称 : The cosmopolitan city - City of the nature center of the world |
队名 : SSAT 所属 : 交通运输大学(越南) |
数据概要 |
"East Kalimantan", the new capital of Indonesia, will play a
key role in urban development, being a sustainable machine as well as protecting
the world's last natural resources. In this project, SSAT team 5.0 proposes
ideas and designs based on the concept of "Smart society and transportation
5.0", applying artificial intelligence, IoT and cloud computing to
enable monitoring, modeling and management to protect the bounded forest.
In addition, we also propose the introduction of AI-guided autonomous vehicles
to increase the certainty of surroundings and role-playing. The game is
a supporter of autonomous driving but does not lose sustainability and
harmony with nature.
提名奖 |
4 |
作品名称 : THE URBAN LANDSCAPE where better city natural lifes |
队名 : BTN 所属 : 交通运输大学(越南) |
URBAN LANDSCAPE是对新首都建设规划的核心理念。其目标是将生态系统和人类的居住环境建立成拥有与绿意盎然的大自然融合的全新交通方式的巨大森林。受到Kelimutu国家公园景观的启发,该设计方案通过利用AI和IoT等最新技术对绿地进行监控、模拟和管理,以确保绿化的维持。不仅如此,除了排放控制和对环境友好的自动运输系统之外,还采用了可以获取周边信息并用于防灾的技术。
The URBAN LANDSCAPE is the core philosophy throughout the planning of our
group's new capital, with the aim of restoring the ecosystem and the living
environment of the people into a giant forest where people are surrounded
by green trees and the integration of creatures with mixed entities and
new modes of transportation blending the nature around them. Get the idea
of the kelimutu national park landscape picture to show the harmony between
Nature with new technologies such as AI and IoT that allows monitoring,
modeling and management to preserve green spaces. Automated transport system
in the direction of environmentally friendly, emission control as well
as Increase certainty about the surrounding media. Get technology to prevent
natural disasters.
提名奖 |
18 |
作品名称 : Kalimantan - Mobility Forest In Future |
队名 : LEGO Strams 所属 : 交通运输大学(越南) |
数据概要 |
LEGO Strams team suggests design with the topic “Kalimantan - Mobility Forest in Future”. In this project, our designs focus on creating a balance between modern technology and nature. Along with that, ensure the flow of wind in the city and natural water sources. We are inspired by the Stratification of vegetation in Tropical rain forests. The design will consist of three layers:
-Understory Layer The natural habitat of organisms and groundwater resources
will be protected
-Canopy Layer: The main living space of the people. Buildings with pillars and green spaces on the roof will ensure the flow of wind and keep the city cool.
-Emergent Layer: The place is installed with green energy sources to supply the city