Virtual Design World Cup(VDWC) 第9屆 學生BIM&VR雲端設計競賽(主辦單位:VDWC執行委員會)的報名總數共有58支隊伍,其中有49支隊伍通過預選賽,最後11支隊伍獲得入圍獎提名。於2019年11月14日在品川InterCity
世界盃獎 |
Entry No.
55 |
作品名稱: Flexispace:An Adaptive Mixed Reality Platform for Creators and Users. |
隊伍名稱: CyberVASE 所屬單位: 威靈頓維多利亞大學(紐西蘭) |
作品概要 |
本作品是一個基於混合實境、多媒體和體素的平台,可以設計夢洲的靈活物理空間,以實現高度適應的混合實境娛樂。 該平台允許同時執行多個VR設計方案。 透過使用無人機,體素可以繼續發展並形成各種空間結構,以適應滿足用戶需求的設計方案。 這項工作有兩種設計方案,可為夢洲遊客提供靈活和定制的娛樂體驗。
Flexispace is a mixed-reality, multimedia, voxel-based platform allowing for the design of flexible physical space in Osaka Dream Island for adaptive mixed-reality entertainment. The voxel-based platform allows multiple VR design scenarios to happen concurrently. Furthermore, with the aid of drones, the voxels enable Flexispace to continuously evolve and adapt to form various spatial structures to suit the design scenarios that ever respond to the users needs . Two possible design scenarios are showcased in this submission. Flexispace will provide flexible and tailored entertainment experiences to the visitors of the Osaka Dream Island.
優秀獎 |
Entry No.
50 |
作品名稱: Peach Blossom Spring |
隊伍名稱: Spirited Away 所屬單位:
國立高雄大學(台灣) |
作品概要 |
在這件作品中,夢洲創造了一個供將來娛樂的仙境。 它結合了與總體規劃,循環經濟和城市研究所相關的創新概念。 除了解決複雜的社會,文化和技術問題外,我們還計劃使用虛擬實境技術的綜合度假勝地,展示一種歡迎2025年世界博覽會的新娛樂方式。 該項目的靈感來自「桃花源」,以山脈、丘陵、村莊和古代城市為基礎。 空間聯繫顯示出故事的豐富層次和背景,並邀請遊客進行無盡的夢想。 這項作品可以讓您像童話故事一樣體驗世界的未來。
This project will create Yumeshima as a fairyland for future entertainment.
The planning concept combines innovative concepts such as connected overall
planning, circular economy, and urban laboratories.
In addition to overcoming complex issues such as society, culture, and technology, the integrated resort's plan will use virtual reality technology to present new entertainment styles to welcome the 2025 World Expo.
The project is extended by the imagery of “Peach blossom spring.” The base is planned as the theme of mountains, hills, villages and ancient cities. Through the series connection between the spaces, the rich layers and contexts of the stories are displayed, so that tourists can be immersed in dreams that will not end. Experience the future of the world like a fairyland.
優秀獎 |
Entry No.
56 |
作品名稱: Yamato Spirit |
隊伍名稱: Ronin110 所屬單位:
國立高雄大學(台灣) |
作品概要 |
結合了虛擬實境和物理結構的作品,創造了一種新型的未來娛樂勝地。 在這個項目中,虛擬實境增強了人類感官和互動的視覺效果,而物理結構在人類、自然與大阪之間建立了聯繫。 此外,夢洲是位於大海入口處的人工島,由於受到海嘯的威脅,它還涉及到複雜的疏散路線和防災問題。
The “Yamato Spirit” project seeks to establish a new type of future entertainment
resort through the combining of virtual reality and physical construction.
In this project, virtual reality enhances the visual effect of human sense
and interaction.
On the other hand, physical construction establishes the connectivity of people,
nature and Osaka. In addition, Yumeshima is an artificial island located
at the mouth of the sea, it faces the threat of a tsunami. Therefore, a
complex evacuation route and disaster prevention problems are derived.
評審員特別獎 Digital Dream Award
池田 靖史
(執行委員長、慶應義塾大學研究所 政策媒體研究科 教授/
IKDS代表) |
Entry No.
51 |
作品名稱: Electopia |
隊伍名稱: Pioneer 所屬單位:
國立高雄大學(台灣) |
作品概要 |
使人們沈浸在夢想中的作品。 在社會5.0的概念下,人工智能、物聯網和人類行為技術識別被應用於改善生活便利性,並實現高質量,準確的服務社會。 同時,此計劃應用CG(電腦圖形學)和MR(混合實境)創建獨特的城市體驗,減少真實和虛擬體驗之間的差異,並產生人類對未知世界體驗的強烈渴望可以滿足。
Electopia is a place to immerse people in their dreams.
This program uses the concept of Social 5.0, apply AI, IoT and identification of human behavior technology to improve the convenience of life, to achieve a high quality and accurate service society.
At the same time, this program applies CG (computer graphics) and MR (mixed reality) to create a unique urban experience, slimming the difference between real and virtual experience, and satisfy the strong desire of human beings to experience the unknown world.
Mixed Reality Award
皆川 勝
(東京都市大學 副校長/工學部都市工學科教授) |
Entry No.
38 |
作品名稱: Yumeshima-A destination of the industrial revolution 5.0 |
隊伍名稱: Wave Alpha 所屬單位: 交通通信大學(越南) |
作品概要 |
為了開發人工島夢洲,該作品以「夢洲-工業革命目標5.0」為主題,提出了項目和設計思路。 它應用「Smart Society 5.0」,旨在透過虛擬實境、擴增實境和物理結構的強大結合,使這個地方成為一個充滿活力的城市。 規劃基礎設施和運輸與自然和諧相處,以實現同步、便利、智慧化、多樣化和協作。結果,不僅是夢洲居民,而且大阪居民和遊客都可以透過混合實境娛樂體驗城市空間。
With the goal of developing Yumeshima - the artificial island, Wave Alpha
team suggests the idea of project and design with topic “Yumeshima - A
destination of the industrial revolution 5.0”. In this project, our team
aim to apply the new wave “Smart Society 5.0” thereby turning this place
into a dynamic city with powerful combination of virtual reality, augmented
reality and physical construction. About infrastructure and transportation,
we plan in a synchronous, convenient, intelligent, diversified, and well-linkage
but not losing sustainablility and harmony with nature. Thereby, not only
Yumeshima inhabitant but also Osaka citizen and tourists are able to experience
urban space with mixed reality entertainment.
評審員特別獎 Paramyth Award
Kostas Terzidis
(同濟大學設計創意學院教授) |
Entry No.
39 |
作品名稱: Dream Garden |
隊伍名稱: OTOTW 所屬單位: 河內水利大學(越南) |
作品概要 |
夢洲在交通網絡中處於重要位置,並且擁有可以在未來開發的廣闊土地,毫無疑問地,夢洲被選為2025年世界博覽會的候選人。 這項工作專門針對夢洲四個挑戰地區中的世博會場館,並利用資訊技術和研究思想的卓越基礎創造了世界上最好的世博會。 它不僅包括藝術和設計,還包括世界各地的最新未來技術。
Holding an important location in the transportation network and owning
a large area capable of future development, Yumeshima has been chosen as
World Expo 2025 Candidate with no doubt. Of the four given area of Yumeshima,
we have decided to concentrate on the World Expo. From researched ideas,
we have come up with a masterpiece on air. Utilizing our advantage of the
good base in information technology, we would like to transfer this potential
place to become one of the best Expo in the world. There would be not just
art & design but also the latest future technology from all over the
評審員特別獎 Future Real Award
曾 成德
(台灣國立交通大學 教授) |
Entry No.
49 |
作品名稱: Fata Morgana |
隊伍名稱: GG Granite Group 所屬單位: 羅伯特戈登大學(英國) |
作品概要 |
當時,這項工作是為了在當地提出有機反應。 核心原則已納入工作的各個方面。 確定每一層的建築環境,風景和VR體驗格式,並強調VR體驗的要素。 這不僅可以用作建築工具,還可以為建築環境和景觀帶來多種功能,從而增強建築體驗。 因此,每種架構體驗都是獨一無二的。
The intention of the work behind the proposal was to derive an organic
response to the brief and site. The core principle was chosen to be levels,
which we then incorporated in each aspect of the work process. Levels and
layers dictated the form of the built environment, the landscaping and
the VR experience. We were keen on introducing an element of experience
through the VR, which would not only behave as an architectural tool, but
would rather enhance the experience of architecture giving the built environment
and landscaping multiple functions, hence allowing each experience of architecture
to be unique.
入圍獎 |
Entry No.
12 |
作品名稱: Future AquaCity Osaka |
隊伍名稱: S&K 所屬單位: Technological University ,Hmawbi(緬甸) |
認識到大阪絕對是未來最著名的城市之一,我們納入了使人們參與夢洲可持續發展的創意。 融入島上的文化和活動,以免過多的可持續成分將來不會導致無聊。 沿海地區種有樹木,生長後將樹木返回島上,從而提供了綠色空間。
Since we learned that Osaka City will definitely be one of the famous cities
in the future, we would like to participate this competition with an idea
that entertain people. And we would like to make Yumeshima Island to develop
in a substainable way. Too much substainable will be boring in the future
so we bring down culture and activities to this Island. To provide the
Island green spaces, we plant trees along the coastal which will be distributed
back to the Island when grow up.
入圍獎 |
Entry No.
23 |
作品名稱: future to the future |
隊伍名稱: 4K 所屬單位: 慶旼大學校(韓國) |
夢洲計劃於2025年舉行大阪世博會。 在解決大阪市的環境問題和勞務問題等問題的同時,這項工作在世博會之後仍可以繼續享有盛譽。
Yumeishima Island in Osaka is the island where the Osaka Expo will be held in 2025.While solving the problems of Osaka City, such as environmental problems and jobs, it was also allowed to become a famous place in Osaka after the expo.
入圍獎 |
Entry No.
25 |
作品名稱: Discover Japan |
隊伍名稱: NAGAMI DESIGN ARMY 所屬單位: 拓殖大學(日本) |
精心策劃的縣級宣傳媒體(山口、金澤、福岡、山形、青森),知名度不高,但對外國遊客具有巨大潛力(次要旅遊目的地)。 它是一種娛樂活動,您可以透過AR / MR技術體驗中速雲霄飛車和次要觀光景點,透過兩種方式享受現實世界和虛擬世界。 所有結構設計基本上都受到未來元素的啟發,並將為日本文化奠定基礎。
Discover Japan is well-planned to be a promotion medium of unfamous prefectures
which have great tourism potential (minor tourism spot) for foreigners;
Yamaguchi, Kanazawa, Fukuoka, Yamagata and Aomori. Discover Japan would
be the main entertainment, featuring two ways educational enjoyment between
real and virtual world and will be a combination of AR/MR technologies,
moderate-speed jet coaster and minor tourism spots’ amusements. For instance,
visitor can experience Japanese tea ceremony virtually at Kanazawa’s pit
stop and directly can experience it at provided Tea House in Japanese Traditional
section. Basically, the design of every structure built is inspired by
futuristic element and adding in with Japanese culture fundamental.
入圍獎 |
Entry No.
42 |
作品名稱: 5G Intelligent Transportation |
隊伍名稱: 4Y 所屬單位:
國立高雄科技大學(台灣) |
作品概要 |
The theme promotes the construction of smart cities and transportation, and creates a smart city that can be shared. Using innovative technology of vehicle networking, connecting the vehicle information with the action network, using the technology of satellite positioning, sensors, electronic tags, data processing and so on, it is conducted the effective identification and transmission to the static and dynamic information of vehicles, pedestrians, roads and climate environment, and the data are integrated into the back-end platform to improve the urban problem of traffic congestion. Considering that the main demand in this area comes mainly from sightseeing, we have planned a set of transportation systems, gathering infrastructure planning and urban design to create a healthy, efficient and attractive environment.